Fathers Day Everyday!

We know that every day should probably be treated like fathers day, we are very fortunate to have incredible hard working and dependable dads in our lives who are there for us to dust us off when we fall down. A father is a man who expects his children to be as good as he meant to be

This upcoming Sunday is Fathers’s day, and we wanted to extend our love to all the Dads in our lives and specifically our Athletes who have overcome life-changing injuries and are now using the fantastic, positive, tough, and loving attitudes that got them through their injuries to show their children the world.

Raising kids is no easy task, but adding a wheelchair or other disability is even more challenging, but these amazing guys make it work and are doing excellent jobs that make us so proud.


High Fives Founder and CEO Roy Tuscany and his son Gunnar.


Father, Dad, Papa, no matter what you call them they influence our lives and they are the person we look up to

High Fives Athlete Bond Camp and his son Waylon.


A dad is the anchor upon which his children stand.
Bond Ericka, Waylon and Finn

High Fives Athlete and Paralympian Josh Dueck with his family.



A dad is more than just the sum of his parts. He is the very soul of the family.

High Fives Athlete Trey Humphrey and his sons.


Only the best dads let their children fly. Only the most loved children will soar. Thank you for giving me wings.
Trey Humphreys
Jason Abraham

High Fives Athlete Jason Abraham and his son Ebbett.


What my dad has taught me cannot be learned in school. Dads are life’s most influential teachers

High Fives Athlete and Paralympian Keith Gabel and his family


Fathers lead their children down the path to adulthood in the hopes they leap beyond the boundaries and forge new ones.
Keith Gabel
Lucas Stacey

High Fives Athlete Lucas Stacy and his son


Fathers lead their children down the path to adulthood in the hopes they leap beyond the boundaries and forge new ones.

High Fives Athlete Patrick Brown and his son


To the WORLD you are a dad. To our FAMILY, you are the world.
Patrick Brown

Happy Fathers Day to all the fantastic dads out there. Thank you for showing us how to become the best versions of ourselves.

Bond Ericka, Waylon and Finn
Trey Humphreys
Jason Abraham
Keith Gabel
Lucas Stacey
Patrick Brown