#HighFivesAthlete Trevor Kennison joins the High Fives Foundation in Santa Cruz for the 2nd adaptive surf camp hosted by the foundation this year!

In November, 2014, Trevor Kennison of Bassalt, Colo. was snowboarding in the backcountry on Vail Pass, when he hit a jump and caught an edge. While in the air, he accidentally started rotating forward. Not wanting to land on his head, Kennison tucked forward and landed on his lower back. He then laid in the snow from 4:00pm to 7:00pm until the search and rescue team could extract him from the backcountry. When Kennison arrived at the local trauma center he was told he had suffered a spinal cord injury at the T12-L1 level
Kennison’s recovery goal is to eventually walk again, but while he is in a chair he wants to become the best adaptive athlete that he can be. His positive attitude and determination have recently gained him a spot on the US Developmental Paralympic Alpine Ski Team. These same attributes made him an ideal participant for the the Foundation’s High Five the Wave Santa Cruz Adaptive Surf Camp.
Following my spinal cord injury I struggled to find adaptive outlets to express my competitive side until I found skiing,” said Kennison. “I want to to find a Summer sport that I enjoy just as much, so that I can stay active year round.#HIGHFIVESATHLETE, TREVOR KENNISON

With his mono-ski background, the waterman and coaches involved with the adaptive surf camp, were certain that Kennison would have little trouble picking up wave-skiing (a sport combining the paddle power of a sit on top kayak with the manoeuvrability and performance of a surfboard). This was quickly proven on day one when he paddled out to the infamous Pleasure Point surf break, and turned around and caught his first wave.

The smile on Kennison’s face when he caught that first wave was confirmation that he had indeed found a Summer sport that he loved. He spent the rest of the fun-filled week catching wave after wave with High Fives Athletes and Santa Cruz locals.
“Watching someone catch the surf bug is a tremendous experience,” said Roy Tuscany, Executive Director of the High Fives Foundation, “Trevor had a smile from ear to ear after catching each wave. He is addicted to the ocean now!”
I had never surfed prior to my injury, so I didn’t know how I would feel in the ocean,” said Kennison. “The feeling of being lifted up by the wave and gliding down the face was amazing. I’ve never felt so free!#HIGHFIVESATHLETE, TREVOR KENNISON