Megan Wemmer receives grant funding to aid in recovery after sustaining life-altering injury while backcountry skiing
Tahoe-based High Fives Foundation to provide an Empowerment Grant to aid in recovery

The High Fives Foundation is awarding 33-year-old Megan Wemmer an Empowerment Grant of $2,175 to aid in her recovery from a life-altering injury sustained during a backcountry ski trip. The Empowerment Grant will afford Wemmer the opportunity to train at the PEAK Center in Colo.
While on a backcountry ski tour in the Arapaho National Forest with her boyfriend in 2015, Wemmer went to climb up to the second floor of their yurt, when the ladder gave out causing her to fall directly on her back from 12 feet in the air. The impact left Wemmer with a burst fracture at her L1 vertebrae and a dislocation of her T12 vertebrae leaving her completely paralyzed from the waist down.
“Megan is a model High Fives Athlete,” said Roy Tuscany, High Fives Foundation Executive Director. “Megan and other High Five Athletes have proven to themselves that the time and effort they put in pays off in their road to recovery.”
Wemmer has recently started walking with adaptive devices and continues to make strides towards a miraculous recovery. “My main goal for 2016 is to spend more time on foot and out of my wheelchair,” said Wemmer. “I have made a lot of progress, and my goal for the one year anniversary of my injury is to spend the entire day out of my wheelchair.”
The High Fives Foundation supports injured mountain sports athletes through grant funding to be used towards reaching their recovery goals. Since the High Fives Foundation’s January 2009 inception, the Empowerment program service has assisted 104 athletes from 22 states in nine respective funding categories which include: living expenses, insurance, travel, health, healing network, adaptive equipment, winter equipment, programs and “stoke” (positive energy, outlook and attitude).
In Quarter 1 of 2016 the High Fives Foundation disbursed $91,509 in board-approved grants to 19 athletes in 9 states.
About the High Fives Foundation: The High Fives Foundation is a Tahoe-based, national 501.c.3 non-profit organization. The High Fives Foundation supports the dreams of mountain action sports athletes by raising injury prevention awareness while providing resources and inspiration to those who suffer life-altering injuries. Formed as a way to “pay-it-forward” by the founder from his own recovery to help injured athletes, the Foundation has helped 104 athletes to date since its inception in 2009. For more information visit