#HighFivesAthlete Jesse Alberi

#HighFivesAthlete Jesse Alberi

Goal 1: Continue to build Access Unlimited into an organization that has the resources needed to give others the opportunity to experience the healing of mother nature

Goal 2: Show that a paraplegic can fish the salt as good as an able body

just as most accidents happen 29 year old Jesse Alberi had no idea that his life would be changed forever that evening. A simple scouting mission for some elk tracks was nothing out of the regular for this avid hunter, fisherman and outdoorsmen. However, this night was different. Jesse lost control of his truck and rolled it.

He had recently separated from his friends and they were in front of him on the road, they had no reason to expect him not to make it home. So he was stuck, severely injured with no one knowing where he was. He lay there for 7 hours in 17 degree weather until someone found him there in his truck.

He very easily could’ve died that night, between the cold temperature and the injuries from the crash. He survived though, and he made the decision that he wasn’t going to let his injuries stopping him from doing what he loves to do.

With that being said it doesn’t mean that there wasn’t hard days. After a life changing injuries things simply arent always the same, that doesn’t mean that things cant be awesome you just need to find out how to do the things that you love.

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Jesse knew no matter what he would always be a fisherman, and he wanted to help spend time in the outdoors and show others the beauty of the sport. So he started Access Unlimited with his good friend and fishing buddy Steve Miller. Access Unlimited is a non profit foundation that takes individuals with life altering injury on incredible fishing and adventure trips in the beautiful Montanna wilderness. High Fives has run multiple camps with Access Unlimited and it always a favorite with Athletes and all involved. Thank you for creating something so special Jesse!

Jesse is a great influence to all those around him. He is a family man, a fisherman and outdoorsmen. He didn’t let a life changing injury stop him doing what he loves and that is what High Fives is all about.

Neither of these goals were simple or easy  and they took time, dedication, and, hard work. But the things in life that are most satisfying aren’t the simple things they are the ones you put blood, sweat, and tears into. Which is exactly what Jesse did.

Goal 1 Completed: June 2017– This one will be an ongoing goal and project to continue to provide and improve with Access Unlimited

Goal 2 Complete: January 2018- Just like goal 1 constantly improving ocean fishing skills will take continued practice and time. But we know Jesse and his love for fishing will keep him becoming a stronger angler.

We all look forward to getting back out fishing with you again soon!

The Arcade Belt Program


The Arcade Belt Program was put in place to provide our athletes with a system for setting goals. Similar to a karate belt system, athletes move through the ranks when they complete goals they set for themselves and receive a belt with stars corresponding to the goal number they accomplish.


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