Goal 1: Walk with a KAFO brace around the entire rehab complex within the time frame of a therapy session
It is is amazing getting to contact an Athlete about a goal they have set, and then seeing them putting in the time and work to make it happen. This is exactly what happened with Dillion McHugh. He set himself a challenging goal and then put his heart, soul, and effort into completing the goal. Which with some help from the High Five Foundation Empowerment grant he did.
The now 27 year old took a severe ski crash while skiing with friends just over year ago and has been working tirelessly since. The extent of Dillion’s injury was huge but he continued to chose to battle through everyday.
To be honest I thought this would be the last of my goals I’d complete. It feels amazing to be able to be upright and move around. Completing this goal gives me confidence going forward about things I can possibly do if I set my mind to it.
Congratulations on completing your goal Dillion. Way to put your mind to something and make it happen. High Fives is proud to continue to support you.

The Arcade Belt Program

The Arcade Belt Program was put in place to provide our athletes with a system for setting goals. Similar to a karate belt system, athletes move through the ranks when they complete goals they set for themselves and receive a belt with stars corresponding to the goal number they accomplish.