High Fives takes immense pride in introducing the remarkable individuals who have been selected as recipients of the High Fives Cycle 2 2023 Empowerment Grants. These exceptional Athletes will receive unwavering support as they navigate their journeys of recovery, surmounting challenges, and striving toward their wildest aspirations.

Presenting, High Fives Cycle 2 2023 Empowerment Grant Awardees
The pursuit of physical and mental recovery, along with personal growth, is an ongoing voyage. Our dedicated Athletes comprehend the significance of setting objectives and elevating themselves. Upon the accomplishment of one goal or expedition, they harness the newfound belief in possibilities to continuously enhance their skills and experiences.
Meet the West Coast Athletes HERE
Meet the Central Athletes HERE
Meet the East Coast Athletes HERE

🤝 This cycle’s impact
- 🏅 32 Existing Athletes continue their journey of progress and resilience.
- 🆕 26 New Athletes join us, embracing the High Fives spirit for the first time.
- 💥 Notably, 24 out of 58 Athletes received grants of S4,000 or more, showcasing their extraordinary dedication.
The collective impact of these grants is truly remarkable, with a grand total of S200,234 invested in empowering 58 Athletes. As part of this initiative, 14 pieces of adaptive equipment were generously provided, amounting to a total cost of S90,000. These adaptive equipment pieces will play an instrumental role in enhancing the Athletes’ capabilities and expanding their horizons.

High Fives firmly believes that the spirit and character of these Empowerment Athletes resonate harmoniously with our organization’s values. We are eagerly anticipating witnessing the remarkable accomplishments that these individuals will undoubtedly achieve. Through their endeavors, they will not only exemplify the essence of High Fives but also inspire others with their unwavering determination and zest for life.